Tuesday, January 31, 2012


These photos are very interesting.They seem to show the timeline of day during sandbiking. I like these pictures because they show something that most people dont do. My favorite photo in this photo essay is,where there are mountains in the background and the ground is covered by snow, and there is only one car driving across the unbroken plate of snow.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Life in a day July 4th 2010

The film was made in one day by people who sent in clips of part of their life and the creators edited all the clips together to make one day from all over the world. The most memorable scene was by far when I saw the bicker. He seemed like a super interesting person. I would love to ride a bike through nearly every single country. A couple of positive scenes from the movie were, when when i saw the man with lamborgini.A negative scene that i saw was when the little boy had a too shine shoes, it made me realize that not everybody has it as good as i do.The patterns of humility that i saw was that all the 3rd world countries were really poor and they all struglled for food. A couple juxaposition things were when they put some guy backing out of his drivway in a really nice car , and the next clip was an African family sitting underneath a homemade house in the forest. The film made me realize how good my life is compared to the 3rd world countries. I get to choose what i want to eat and while im doing that people in aftica are picking berries off of trees and eating walnuts off the ground. I would not reccomend this to a friend because it is a very upsetting video and it just makes you feel bad because of all the things that you have compared to what some other not as lucky people have.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

3 people

Major General Margaret Woodward
she is a commander in the air force . She has beenin the air force for over 20 years and she never likes to take credit and always gives it to her people that che commands. She is now 51 years old, and has almost 4000 hours of flight. She is impotant to me because she proved that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Mark Zuckerberg
He is the creator of facebook and is 26 years old. He is importyant to me because he proved that you can do anything like create a hit website .

Justin Beiber
He is a hit hip hop singer . He is important to me because he wanted to be someone and he kept trying and triying and never gave up and in the end everything worked out for him.