Wednesday, February 15, 2012

waste land....

The overall react to the film was that it was a very interesting film.I think that it really shows you how good that I have it and that whenever i want something because i want something, I can just think that what do people in Third world countries have. My opinion changed through the movie because at first i thought they were all dirty people and that they were all bad people. But i learned that they are good people but they are just unlucky. Vik Munez helped the people in many ways. He tought them that they can acheive anything if they just try. They can get out of the garbage dumps and have a better life.Yes,I believe that it is better to have an honest dob instead of a dihonest post because an honest job at least you can go to bed everynght knowing that you are trying and working honest work. Yes, the video did make me think how much garbage I make . I dont think about how much i make in a day but more like a year. I think that i might make close to 1,000 pounds of garbage. I dont think the video will make me change the way a that I dispose of garbeage because i am to lazy to actually do something different . That would require more work. I think that another area that could be touched with Vik Munez is some place out in africa where they have even less than the people in brazil.

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